About Us
Our Mission
To inform, inspire, invigorate, and empower women through our publications and build competency
through our Learning & Development programs (L&D) enabling women to achieve their full Woman-Ity.
Our Vision
A World where a woman finds her-Self, grows, and builds a better life for herself and those
around her, through her own lens.
Our Core Values
Women-Centric: Our business is a Our business is a woman. We hear her, respect her and value her for who she is.
We are hospitable: What takes you so long to get here? Come on in, there is a room for you too.
Trust: We share our flaws, vulnerabilities, cracks, and triumphs that shape our lives, to let the lights of
others heal us, while inspiring other women and build trustworthy long-lasting relationship.
Respect: If I do not respect you for ‘Who you are’, then I do not respect myself.
Impartiality: Please join us, just the way you are.
Inclusion: A platform where the biodiversity of culture and talent collides. We transcend cultural
differences to connect through our priorities, goals, and the essence of our Woman-Ity
Responsible Leadership: Deliver excellent services that leave positive long-lasting footprint in
communities within which we operate.
Shared Leadership: Through an agile operation model we co-lead projects in conjunction with
stakeholders to devise collaborative responsive solutions to women’s issues.
Our Objectives
The sudden eruption of today’s global health pandemic COVID-19, in a world already experiencing
rapid technological change, economic downturn (Global financial crisis 2007-2009), competition for
resources and an increase in society’s awareness of social issues (climate change, equality of
opportunity, diversity, and inclusion) are all forces exerting tremendous pressure on companies
which can no longer guarantee either long-term or full-time employment. Peripheral positions,
usually occupied by women from migrant and refugee backgrounds, are rendered unstable as less
agile companies are forced to ‘Trim or Shut’ thus reducing career opportunities.
Against the backdrop of today’s health and socioeconomics challenges How-Are-You magazine
focuses on building a healthy society by shedding some light on the intersectionality between
gender, ethnicity, and its impact.
We aim to:
▪ Build bridges of understanding between women from migrant and refugee backgrounds and
the rest of the society.
▪ Provide an in-depth understanding of challenges that women from migrant and refugee
backgrounds face, to help inform policy and decision makers and to enhance service
provision and to foster social cohesion in our society.
▪ Build the capacity of women through shared leadership and multi stakeholder partnerships,
innovative projects, training, and workshops specifically tailored to women’s needs so as to
enhance civic and economic participation as well as social health.
▪ Build capacity through our internship program to aspiring magazine writers, editors,
photographers, videographers, and journalists. How-Are-You is a platform for coaching and
mentoring emerging artists who will work closely with our L&D program team.
▪ Celebrate success stories of women from migrant and refugee backgrounds who have made
a positive impact in our society and/or shattered glass ceilings in every sector.
▪ Uncover hidden talents of the most marginalised and vulnerable women from migrant and
refugee backgrounds in our society and to assist them in accessing employment.
▪ Positively contribute to enhancing best service delivery models for women from migrant and
refugee backgrounds.