Our Services

Publication – Competency – Consulting – Multi-Stakeholders’ Partnerships (PCCM)

1. Publication:

Digitally publishing ground-breaking editorial magazines through which women from migrant and refugee backgrounds authentically share their compelling life stories to inform, educate, empower, and invigorate other women while weaving a supportive network.

2. Competency Building:

How-Are-You magazine expands beyond its digital flagship to implement multi-dimensional and multi-faceted Learning and Development programs in partnership with relevant organisations to build capacity of women responsive to their needs

3. Consulting Services:

provided to mainstream services to enhance the provision of culturally sensitive services to Culturally and Linguistically Diverse women’s (CALD) Communities.

4. Multi-Stakeholders’ Partnerships

▪ We engage with women through the framework of our Voice of Women (VOW), to consult on a wide range of issues informing our decisions making shaping our organisational strategic Plan and operation model.

▪ We locally and globally work in partnership with relevant organisations in line with our strategic priorities to collaboratively innovate and implement jointprojects and viable solutions to women’s emerging problems. (Consulting, Informing, and collaborating).